"Right in his Belly!"

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


by Belly Boy

The teen-ager swung overhand at the wily old bruiser, the way he'd seen the senior boys do in the ring. His pale knuckles smacked the man's cheek. The dockhand shrugged, rubbed his face a bit, then effortlessly punched his horny fist into the poor lad's belly. The uppercut utterly winded him, and he flopped moaning to the floor. The sailor turned his tender attention to the girl blushing against the wall.

Her suitor staggered to his feet again, in a bid to save his princess from this brute. Still breathless, his face a bellyache mask, he lurched toward the old lecher. But the dockhand just laughed. "Sit tight, lass," he told the girl, "this won't take but a second." He grabbed the youth by the collar, then thumped him back against the wall. And with that the veteran took the student for his punch-bag, and thudded fist after after fist into his tender belly.

When the tar at last released that collar, the boy in it dropped breathless and writhed on the floor. Self-respect slipped from him like spilled milk from his broken body, from his punched belly.


  1. I've had the similar experience a couple of years ago, I was driving my pick up truck with my girlfriend next to me, when I pulled out in front of another truck by accident. I pulled over to apologize, and as soon as I shut the door, and turned around this older guy was standing there, and punched me right in the pit of my flabby belly, I folded over, and fell to the ground. My girlfriend never got the image of me getting doubled over by one punch out of her mind!

    1. I'm sure she had sex with that oder guy that night!

  2. Ooof! She liked seeing you doubled over after only one punch to your fat stomach!

  3. she couldnt get it out of her mind because she liked what she saw . she was probably thinking . this guy of mine got punched in the belly and he was finished
